
About Aviva

About Aviva

Why choose Aviva?

BacktoBetter – an independent clinical case management service for muscle and joints and bones–musculoskeletal conditions - without needing to see a GP.

Stress helpline – access to a 24-hour stress counselling helpline. Available for members and their dependents covered on the policy (over 16’s only).

MyAviva – start / update a claim, track out-patient benefit, access hospital list and view your policies and discounts online.

Aviva Digital GP – get the guidance you need from an NHS-registered private GP via the app, with access to unlimited video consultations per member per policy year, 24/7 and repeat prescriptions (NHS England exemptions accepted) with tracked delivery.

Mental Health Pathway – enhanced mental health cover focused on prompt personalised care. With early intervention and the right support, they can minimise the impact of absenteeism and help improve recovery and return to work rates.

Expert Select – take all the hard work out of finding and booking a specialist. Expert Select draws upon Aviva’s breadth of clinical and customer service expertise to deliver quality, sustainable healthcare to help meet members’ needs.

Wellbeing – Aviva Wellbeing is a desktop and mobile app dedicated to helping people live their best lives. Whether your employees want to sleep more, stress less, lose weight, get fit or live healthier, Aviva Wellbeing could help them achieve lifelong change - one easy step at a time.

What benefits could I receive?

Mental health cover options available. 
Full cancer cover as standard. 
Choice of hospital access to upgrade or reduce cover and cost. 
Cover for eligible out-patient consultations and treatment. 
Dental and optical benefit option. 
Routine and GP referred services option: Up to £1,000 each member, every policy year for certain conditions not normally covered by private medical insurance. 
Specialist claims management teams for cancer, heart or mental health conditions.

What does Aviva offer? 
Health insurance 

A range of cover options allows you to adapt aspects of your health insurance to suit your needs.

Group risk insurance

A range of cover options allows you to provide life, critical illness or income protection for your employees.

CPME medical declaration

 If you would like to consider moving your company’s group medical insurance plan, please read the following: 
This page sets out the medical declaration for the recommended health insurer. As the group secretary for the plan you will be required to answer these questions to the best of your knowledge. Should you answer “yes” to any of these questions, we will require full details of treatment and will refer the information to the insurer’s underwriters for their consideration.

If your scheme is between one and nine group members you need to answer both questions. If your scheme has more than nine group members you need to answer question one.  

1) Are you aware of any person to be covered by this application who has received treatment or advice relating to:

  • Any type of cancer in the last two years

2) Are you aware of any person to be covered by this application who has received treatment or advice relating to any:

  • Type of heart or circulatory condition, or
  • Psychiatric or mental illness or condition in the last 2 years, or
  • Knee problems, or
  • Back problems, or
  • Shoulder problems, or
  • Arthritis in the last 6 months

Aviva also offers a 3 months claims transition arrangement* for switch business covering 20-199 main members.

This gives members the reassurance that the majority of treatment that has been pre-authorised by their previous insurer will be covered. Treatment is subject to eligibility conditions under the standard solutions policy. Where treatment falls outside of the standard terms and conditions, Aviva may agree to cover treatment that has already been confirmed by their previous insurer, provided that the treatment takes place within 3 months of the policy start date.

*This arrangement is non-contractual and can be withdrawn at any time.

Member eligibility

This page sets out the group member eligibility rules for this insurer:

Aviva’s company policies are intended to provide cover for employees, directors and other designated members of an actively trading business, based in the UK, these are known as group members.

Aviva’s definition of a group member is any of the following who is, at the relevant time, in relation to the policyholder: an employee who is an individual regularly and actively engaged for reward by the policyholder on a contract of service being over the age of 16 ; or the sole proprietor; or a partner; or a registered director actively and regularly working in the conduct of the policyholder’s business. A majority shareholder is not considered a group member unless they are actively engaged for reward on a contract of service. No other shareholders will be considered.

Members must permanently live in the UK for 9 months or more of every year.

Please speak to your consultant if you would like to provide cover for anyone that falls outside of this definition as we may need to seek authorisation from the insurer.

Exceptions should be consistently applied across membership of the policy, for example if you provide cover for one over-aged dependent or retired group member, then you should offer cover to all over-aged dependents or retired group members.